It was actually by some miraculous force that I attended my first NeuroDevNet workshop. Okay, actually it was a lovely lady who lead me in this direction and I am glad she did. I am a very [...]
When it comes to eating, maybe you often get bored of what you’re eating and than revert to more palatable yet not-so-healthy foods. On occasion this is ok if you have hit that mark on your [...]
When it comes to eating, maybe you often get bored of what you’re eating and then revert to more palatable yet not-so-healthy foods. On occasion, this is ok if you have hit that mark on [...]
Even if I was the inventor of this piece of equipment, I would still never tell you it was the only training tool you will ever need to reach your goals (although I do feel it could be ;D) Yes, [...]
Even if I was the inventor of this piece of equipment, I would still never tell you it was the only training tool you will ever need to reach your goals (although I do feel it has the potential [...]
As the saying goes, the best offense is a good defense. In terms of your health, this means prevention prior to treatment. With the cold and flu season upon us, you want to arm yourself with the [...]